For Trial Presenters and Litigation Consultants
Trial teams have four basic needs. Remote Counsel provides the best solutions to these in the following ways:
Remote Counsel Streaming: for corporate counsel, expert witnesses, and support staff that need to follow the trial remotely from headquarters or a war room
Secure Internet: for when counsel requires secure, reliable internet access from inside the courtroom
Jury Research Connect: for partners and counsel who want remote access to a jury research event in a specific jurisdiction
Witness Connect: for witnesses that can’t appear in person due to illness, remoteness, or even unable to enter the country

We Help You Deliver Differentiated Value to Your Clients
Facilitate monthly check-ins to collaborate on upcoming trials
Arm your consultants with RC product data sheets to distribute to partner end clients
Identify, plan, and conduct joint presentations to mutual end clients
Introduce RC to other divisions, consultants and case teams within the organization